Technological Education, Products, and Services
Spot fake consumer reviews before purchasing
Ask Bob Rankin (articles):
How does your internet speed measure up?
Do Those 'Speed Up Your PC" Programs Really Work?
Why Is My Internet Connection SLOW Sometimes?
Internet Issues
Latest Internet Provider News (blog with links)
Sweetwater Music Software - Call or email my sales engineer Nicholas Weaver at Sweetwater Sound, Inc. and please tell him that Charles Van Deursen sent you. He will hook you up with whatever you need and/or give you sound advice. (Pardon the pun).
Nicholas' direct phone line at Sweetwater 1+(260) 247-6273.
Devslopes Academy (learn to code apps and websites)
Swift Programming Language Documentation
Like the flow of a raging river technology is by nature always fluidly improving and upgrading. The obvious challenge is in the user's attempt to ride the waves without drowning or being eaten by the sharks. Below are some resources that I believe may help you to navigate the turbulence and may even set you up for the most adventurous ride of your life. I hope your billfold is nearby, but then on the other hand you may enjoy a financial breakthrough!
The Only Thing Consistent is Change