Request Your Playlist Review To Be Considered
This is simply a sharing experiment that may generate more traffic for all of us.
My goal is to reward those who publish my music by advertising their public playlist and thereby encourage others to do the same.
Please take some time to look around my website to get to know me better. Then compare what you learn with the type of music on your playlist or the content of your publishing. I will review your link and if I am satisfied with your content, I will consider publishing your link.
I currently have 54 songs available via streaming providers, but I will be constantly adding more of various genres.
Neither Charles Van Deursen nor offers or receives any promises, any guarantees, any binding contracts, any sensitive personal information (other than your name and email address), nor any financial exchange (no charges and no refunds).
It may take some time for me to investigate how to listen to your public playlist (if I am not a current subscriber of your preferred streaming service provider) or to read your written content.
I expect that after I publish a link to your digital media outlet that you will not remove my song (or songs) or information without informing me and that you will not add songs that deviate much from the tenor of your playlist. I will periodically review the playlists of its content.
I would only remove a link if, in my opinion, the previously approved content were to be changed to include something that would be intentionally offensive to any of the visitors coming from
As the sole proprietor of I reserve for myself the right in my absolute discretion to accept, reject, approve, disapprove, add, or remove any links for any reason at any time without notice and with no liability. There is nor will there be any option for a mediator, arbitrator, or appellation process.
Only click the "submit" button at the bottom of this form if you are in agreement to these terms.
Please search on your preferred streaming service provider for: "The Struggle," "HonkyTonk Hymns," and/or search "Charles Van Deursen" on
I would like my songs to be heard and you would like your digital media outlet to be advertised. I think that we could "scratch each other's backs" so-to-speak through collaboration.

Click here to view a list of published digital media platforms that feature published information about and/or music of Charles Van Deursen and