In Tune With You
P.O. Box 426
Claxton, GA 30417
Request a free copy of "The Struggle" CD
Please complete and submit the form below.

If you would like to have a copy of "The Struggle" or "HonkyTonk Hymns" on CD, please complete the form below and be sure to watch for and reply to the email that I will be sending to confirm your correct mailing address.
I can only mail my products within the contiguous 48 United States of America.
Communication is Key
Try me. I will reply as soon as I am able. Please understand however that I am a sole proprietor (no employees and no volunteers) so I have to personally filter and purge all the spam before I can reply. I will not ignore your request. Please be patient. I will flag your message and fulfill it as soon as I am able.
Read the true account of how "The Struggle" came to be.
In May of 2018 I received an anonymous letter that explained the reason for the included five - one hundred dollar bills. It said that God had said that I was to use this money to produce a CD. The writer suggested that maybe this would "prime the pump" so-to-speak for more public interest in my music. Looking at my calendar I calculated that I would only have only about two months to complete the project before I would have to return to my teaching position for the fall.
I immediately began to perusing through my various compositions, partial tunes, and thematic ideas to create, record, and mix sixteen instrumental songs because even though I own vocal compositions, at that time I did not have any high quality recording equipment for my voice.
I designed the cover graphic, secured the ISRC/USP codes, officially copyrighted the songs, contracted with WTS media duplication services for 300 CDs with a "budget-level" one color cover, purchased mailers and postal stamps. The generous $500 gift was quickly consumed by the project. Soon it morphed into a $1,017.22 endeavor, but my optimistic adrenaline was able to dismiss the financial strain at the time.
I created three hundred copies of the album "The Struggle" in August of 2018. I personally gave away a couple hundred and mailed out over sixty (which added postage to the cost). I was hoping that this would generate more interest in my music. I suppose that it has had some positive effect, but nothing that would help me to recoup my investment. However, I am only a little discouraged. "The Struggle" CD shows what I can do and that may help me build some credibility with those that do not yet know me personally.
Since the album was released in August of 2018 most of my music income has been through teaching privately and playing for church services. Of course all of that income ceased when the pandemic hit and I lost all my students.
The music business is very competitive and many of those who do appear to enjoy great success have had to make sacrifices that I am not willing to make. I am going to try another angle. The Triano is a real eye-catcher so I am going to use it to draw attention to my music and hopefully sell CDs and USBs.
Here is a list of the thirty-two songs on the album:
HonkyTonk Hymns Contents on USB flash drive
1. Medley (Are You Washed in the Blood, There's Within My Heart A Melody, When We All Get To Heaven)
2. This Train
3. At The Cross
5. Bless That Wonderful Name of Jesus
6. Just A Closer Walk With Thee
9. I Know Whom I Have Believed
10. Medley (Amazing Grace, Swing Low Sweet Chariot, When the Saints Go Marching In)
13. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms
17. Sweet By and By
19. Only Trust Him
20. Oh Happy Day
21. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
23. There Is Sunshine In My Soul
24. We Have Heard the Joyful Sound
25. 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
26. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
27. Love Lifted Me
28. Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory of the Coming of the Lord
29. Holy, Holy, Holy
31. Near the Cross
All the original melodies are public domain, but my renditions are not.
After you complete the secure form below I will send you an email to confirm your mailing address. I must receive a reply from you telling me that I have the correct address. I will not send you a CD before you reply because I cannot afford to waste postage on undeliverable mail.
I always send individual emails so it should not ever end up in your spam folder, but just to ensure that it does not: please add charles@intunewithyou.com to your address book.
Again, be sure to respond to me so that I can fulfill your request. I can only mail within the contiguous United States of America.
Please be patient. There may be a delay until I have sufficient time and funds to fulfill your "free CD" request.
PLEASE NOTE: The "The Struggle" album will come professionally packaged, but the "HonkyTonk Hymns" album will come as a homemade CD because the professionally packaged album is only available in a USB travel drive.