In Tune With You
P.O. Box 426
Claxton, GA 30417

You may leave me a voice mail or text me at (912) 246-2837.
Your form message (below) will be encrypted when you submit it.
Communication is Key
Please understand that I am a sole proprietor (no employees or volunteers) so I may be delayed in replying to you because I have to filter and purge all the spam that I receive on both my phone and email accounts. But be rest assured... I will reply.
Contact Charles Van Deursen.
Try me. I reply as soon as possible.
By Phone:
As a sole proprietor I do everything by myself. With my phone number published on this website for anyone in the whole world to see, my phone rings all the time.
So to combat spam and telemarketers I only answer calls from those people that I know. However, I do check my voice mail and texts often. Please leave me an appropriate voicemail or text and I will respond to you.
By an Encrypted Message:
I try to check my emails every day. Again, as with the numerous phone calls, with so many spam emails to delete sometimes I may be delayed in replying to your valid message. My practice is to scroll quickly down the list of emails and flag all the legitimate messages for me to respond to later. If you write to me please expect my prompt reply, but please be patient if I delay. I do care about what you are wanting to tell me.
By Postal Mail:
If you prefer to mail me here is my mailing address:
Charles Van Deursen
In Tune With You
P. O. Box 426
Claxton, GA 30417-0426